I don’t know about you, but I’m taking life too seriously lately.  I want to go back to preschool.

Yesterday I visited my son, Andy’s, preschool class.  As I parked my minivan and walked across the street to his little school my mind was distracted with some serious worries that are going on in my life right now, until I heard the screams of joy.

My mind was awakened from it’s state of worry when I heard YAY!!!!  WOOHOO!!! and I looked up to see a class of 4 year olds running out to the playground with reckless abandon.  Those kids had no cares in the world.  They were thrilled beyond compare that they had the chance to go outside for 20 minutes to swing, jump, and spin around on the merry go round until they got dizzy.

Life can get to a serious pace as an adult that can made you dizzy.  From work responsibilities, kid activities, and financial burdens…it can really get me stressed out.  You can let it get to you or change your attitude and treat life it as an adventure.  Maya Angelou once said “Life is pure adventure…the sooner we realize that we can treat life as art.”

I dare you today as you walk outside of your home or office to let out a little YIPPEE!!!  Skip, Jump, do a little Irish jig 🙂  Start painting your canvas of life with some brighter colors…