You MUST MUST MUST watch the movie called August Rush. 

“A little movie with a big heart.”  – Actress Kerri Russell

It just came out on DVD, I think it’s on PPV too.  We watched it this weekend and it was an incredible “experience”.  I don’t want to give anything away about the film yet, so I’ll wait a week to tell you my observations….you watch it, than we’ll all comment on what we think about it.

To date, it’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It beat out “Pride and Prejudice” in my book.

It was so good that as soon as it ended I wanted to watch it again.

I had chills at least 6 times during the movie, and cried tears of joy at least twice.

It’s not just a chick flick!  Even Greg liked the movie.  So put the kids to bed tonight and cuddle up with your baby and watch it, or make it a Girls Night Out and watch it with your girlfriends!

The only bad thing about this movie is that it didn’t win the Oscar for Best Picture. Instead a horrible dark and disgusting movie like, “No Country for Old Men” won. After watching “August Rush” I realized that the Academy Awards are completely worthless for overlooking this movie.

“August Rush” did win an for it’s song, the musical score was AMAZING! I’m off to find the music soundtrack today!